Have you ever been laying in bed at 3am and suddenly, out of nowhere, “it” comes to you? (By the way, for the record everything is somewhere. Including spontaeous thoughts. So what does that say about “nowhere”?) “Yeah, that’s it!! That’s what we’ll do!” That is the simple truth about how Boring Bark and Landscape Materials began roasting coffee and later morphed into Cat’s Moon.

Our humble job shack beginnings

At that time (2001) our family business was operating out of a very small mobile job “shack”, that could literally hold three or four people maximum. After that, you just had to hope the person next to you was someone you might want to date. We trucked lots of landscape materials and you know drivers, they have got to have their coffee. We were serving a ton of coffee to our crew as well as our customers who were waiting to order materials (or maybe looking for a hot date!)

The first coffee roaster sat right outside the door of the office – the rest is history. People began buying pounds of coffee right off the roaster. Eventually we moved the office into a permanent structure that we built next to the job shack. The job shack was hauled away and two more roasters were bought. Cat’s Moon Independent Coffee Roaster’s was officially out of the bag.

Cats Moon Coffee located in Boring Bark and Landscaping in Boring Oregon

Customers now visit our office just to pick up their coffee, sample new offerings and discuss the latest, outrageous current events. We truly are blessed with the best customers in the universe. Thank you, namaste`, or however you want to put it. We love you!

Visit the Boring Bark Website